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All of us have specific areas of our lives that we find challenging and have mental blocks about, whilst cheap ed hardy sunglasses other areas that we find easy and breeze through. And these will be different for different people, so whilst if you ask Usain Bolt about running then he may find running a breeze (well clearly he finds it easy anyway!), whilst if you asked him how he feels about completing his tax return, then it may well bring him out in cold sweats.
We are all similar, and the designer sunglasses for sale truth is that mental block impact on us in more ways than we know. These can be such areas in men as having a mental block about talking to women in bars, or maybe a woman not asking for a promotion at work, because she thinks that the boss discounted gucci sunglasses may think she is being pushy, and of course, in all manner of other areas.
The fact is that mental blocks manifest themselves by us blocking our own pathway to success, generally by playing mental imagery over in our minds of the very worst outcome that could possibly happen if things were to go wrong. So when the man is in the bar some, not so subtle mental videos are being played out that see him mentally viewing the women he might have approached laughing in his face, or pouring a drink over his head and telling him to get lost. In other words the comic book scenes that never actually happen in the real world, but which seem ever so likely to happen when you aren't feeling very confident, and harbor a mental block about how you think women perceive you to be.

