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The investigation of Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power) commences with the discussion of the philosophy of Gayatri Mahaprajna. Fundamentally Gayatri worship is an experiment of religious ideology and divine sentiments. In it self-research is given chief importance and by generating devotion through meditation/ concentration, the Brahmic consciousness is brought closer and one's psyche gets interwoven in it. Whether you throw a lighted matchstick on a pile of wood or you throw burning wood on petrol; both actions are identical. The only difference is that via self-surrender and by undergoing Advait (union with God) one quickly sees miraculous results. Instead camiseta oficial del real madrid of total self-surrender even if there is some desire involved no doubt the car will slow down yet it will ultimately give us benefits. And yet one fails to become capable of benefiting others in the world. A swimmer may himself swim yet he is incapable of helping others cross the river like a boatman. This is the difference between desire-based Gayatri worship and desire less Gayatri worship. Through both type of effort, spiritual aspirants succeed in their own equipacion real madrid 2012 way.

If we dive deep into the philosophy of Gayatri worship we realize that our entire consciousness is influenced by the "seed of knowledge of the brain". Its role is a major one with reference to bodily sustenance and social behavior. In a very elevated mental state this center is the fount of extrasensory potential (ESP) and it is over here that the blissful activity of uniting a creature with Brahman (God) i.e. attainment of the true human goal is achieved. Gayatri's Brahmi-shakti (divine power) is also called Brahmarandhra, Brahmasansthan or Brahmaloka. The area that it influences it is wisdom consciousness. In a symbolic manner Gayatri is also called Brahmani or the wife of Brahma. Its power can be seen as Brahmadand (punishment) that overcomes the wicked and destroys pain and poverty in the material world. In the spiritual field its form has taken the shape of Brahmavarchas.

Over and above Gayatri worship there is worship of Savitri. Savitri worship is very much the material aspect of Gayatri. Power evolves with the help of energy. The 5 elements and the 5 vital forces of our body work as fuel and with its aid the inner fire is activated. This fire activation is Savitri worship. Despite there being a difference in Savitri and Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power) worship they camiseta real madrid have an equal stature.

According to Indian mythology Brahmaji had 2 wives. The first was Gayatri and the second was Savitri. Symbolically they are wisdom consciousness and material wealth. One is Para Prakriti and the other is Apara Prakriti. Para Prakriti encompasses mind, intellect, psyche, ego, Ritambhara Prajna (divine intellect) and all other areas of knowledge. The second wife Savitri is Apara Prakriti i.e. material consciousness and inert nature. All movements of matter are dependent on it. The revolution of molecules, influence of chemicals, electricity, heat, light, magnetism, ether etc. are under its jurisdiction. Material science by using all these apparatus comes out with infinite inventions so as to give us material comforts. This Apara Prakriti is Savitri. The Apara Prakriti of Savitri is responsible for the body functioning of all creatures and thus the world evolves. It is this power that directs Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, 5 elements, Tanmatras etc. Sidhis (divine powers) and boons are attained via this power of Savitri. Health, long life, might, enthusiasm, daring, beauty and other infinite special qualities are dependent on it. On the one hand it is widespread yet its main focal point is on the poles of earth (macro level) and the Mooladhar Chakra of the human spine (micro level). While performing spiritual practices this is also called Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power). All goals are attained by activating this power. Thus we can generate energy. On analyzing scriptural injunctions we understand that at certain places Savitri and Kundalini are said to be synonymous and wherever they are thought to be different, their spiritual practice and goal is also thought to be different. Yet one fact is eternal that the subtle creation of the body and the mode of awakening will always remain permanently the same. The difference ensues only when the reasons of usage of the power are varied.

Actually within Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga is superior. All spiritual practices like Naadi Shodhan (subtle nerve purification), Trinaadi Parimarjan (washing of the 3 subtle nerves), Shatkarma, Chakravedhan (traveling up the 6 Chakras or subtle plexuses) are such that along with meditation/concentration bodily exercises are also given importance. One has to imbibe the strange cycle of the vital force exercises in Pranayam. While activating Kundalini power Bandha, Mudra and Aasan (posture) are given due importance. But in pure Savitri worship one is limited to the periphery of the head region. Sahasrar Kamal (1000-petalled lotus), Brahmarandhra (center on the inner scalp region), materials in the brain are activated. The Brahmarandhra looks after the inner brain area and the external area is looked after by the third eye called the Ajna Chakra. But when spiritual practices of both Savitri and Kundalini are combined then the method of both becomes an admixture and the results too change accordingly. The spiritual practice which we are about to present here is of this variety. Hence we have discussed stepwise the principles and use of Gayatri, Savitri and Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power).

