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Tackling Terrorism : An Alternative Strategy
Terrorism, a global phenomenon, has become over a number of years the topic of ceaseless comment, debate, controversy, and search for roots and motives, and it figures on top of the national and international agenda. It is also at present one of the most highly emotionally charged topics of public debate, though quite why this should be the case is not entirely clear, because the overwhelming majority of participants do not sympathize with terrorism.
Terrorism and its connections with Political Islam have caught fire at the International level Since September 11, 2001. Whether in Sep. 11 attack on WTC; Oct. 12, 2002 blast in Bali and again on Oct. 1, 2005; and the consequent blasts at Madrid on March 11, 2004; Sep. 1, 2004 terror at Beslan, Russia and series blasts that rocked the great city of London on July 7 and July 22, 2005, attack on the ISRO scientists conference in Bangalore, the Varanasi blast that left 20 dead, last year serial blasts in Mumbai that left 200 dead and 700 injured were preceded by a string of explosions at Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir that left 8 dead and 30 wounded; recent London-Glasgow terror plot and recent Jai[ur blastsin all these incidents the Islamic fundamentalists' involvement was an unblemished truth. The role of goreign hand was also strong in all these incidents.
By attacking Mumbai, the city of commoners, in the year 2006, the terrorists have proclaimed a war against India's civil society and questioned the integration of the country. This war, Jihad, against India did not begin on July 11, 2006. It began in 711. That was the year when the Umayyad Caliph in Damascus sent two expeditions in Sindh and Baluchistan against the Mohyal Monarch of Sindh, King Dahir. Those attacks no doubt were foiled, but Arabs reappeared next year, under Mohammed bin Kasim and King Dahir was killed in a deadly combat1.
Terrorists attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Iraq does not figured in this list, because it becomes a regular feature in the life of the civilians. Though, the USA declared "War against Terror" and the developments until the latest terrorists attack in Amman, Banglore, Varanasi, Mumbai, London serial Train blasts and recent attack on Glasgow Airport had suggests that the efforts to combating Terrorism has not produced any impressive results.
Surprising Profile
Al-Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalist outfits, with upsurge, extending their terror network by recruiting young people into their organizations. While analyzing the terrorist attacks, a surprising profile has emerged. Many attackers were not driven out by poverty or ignorance, but by a lethal mix of nationalism, zealotry and humiliation. Many were young, middle class and educated. "Unlike the September 11 attacks and most other terrorist incidents around the world, the London bombings in the year 2006 and London-Glasgow terror plot, were done by Muslim raised, educated and living in the UK, and willing to kill fellow Britans in the name of Islam"2.
The parents of at least one of the July 2005 bombers confessed that they had no clue of what their son was up to. This is of course true of many modern parents, irrespective of the religion to which they belong, who are surprised by the deviant behaviour of their children. There is information that one of the bombers had suddenly become extremely religious, and this did not arouse his parents' curiosity. From the evidence so far available, anger against the war in Iraq seems to have motivated the terrorists, especially in the Glasgow Airport plot. If the profile of past terror cells is a guide, cultural alienation and experiences of racism may also have played a role3.
Some writers believed that this is a prominent characteristic of the U.K's Muslim community. Most of the parents in their 50s are immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, or India, who had come into the country two or three decades ago seeking enhancement of their economic status. Some of them had succeeded in this objective, while the others had improved their lot marginally. Overall, they were a contented lot, with no major complaint against the existing social order. Their children, however, have other ideas about British society. A majority of them believe that their plight was miserable, and this was because of gross racial discrimination. This feeling of neglect and injustice has led to desperation in some of them, and a search for succor has led them on to Bin Laden, whom they consider their saviour.
After 7/7 terror in London YouGov Polling firm interviewed 526 Muslim adults across Great Britain online during July 15-22, 2005 weighing the data to reflect the British Muslim population's age, gender, and countries of origin. The survey found that 1 per cent of them, or "about 16,000 individuals, declared themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace violence" in the effort to bring an end to "decadent and immoral" western society. Further, the survey identified about 6 per cent of Muslims justified the 7/7 bombing attacks in London4.
The Daily Telegraph commissioned survey of attitudes with in the UK Muslim population is one that may be superficial, but it does convey some hard truths. While an overwhelming majority of Muslims in the country condemned the blast. One third of those who were asked stated that they considered Western society as "decadent and immoral". A few did not disfavour the resort to violence to change this social order. The findings are nevertheless a pointer to the conflict within the community; between a majority who feel that the UK is their home and a substantial number, especially in the younger age-bracket, who feel they are aliens5.
Anti Muslim-Sentiment
Several polls and studies conducted since 1981 have confirmed that the persistence of negative stereotypes of Arabs/Muslims among the majority of Americans. Michael Suleiman, who has written extensively on this topic, concluded that "Many Americans tend to see Arabs/Muslims as either extremely wealthy and immoral or as Bedouins who are indistinguishable from the deserts they inhabit6.
Five national polls conducted in the 1990s found that a plurality of Americans believed that "Muslims tend to be religious fanatics", and that Islam is "basically an anti-democratic religion". In other words, Islam was seen by many Americans as a hostile culture and a threat to their interests and cultural values7.
In the aftermath of London Blasts attack against Muslims, in Britain, has increased six times higher than the normal circumstances. For instance, within hours of the attack, 30,000 abusive and threatening e-mails were sent to the web site of the Muslim council of Britain and the fear of anti-Muslim violence was so acute that the Islamic Human Rights Commission advised the London Muslims to stay indoors 8. The expected backlash from Right Wing extremists has begun in the aftermath of camiseta málaga club de fútbol blasts. Mosques in northern England have been targeted, others have received bomb threats, and several people of "Asian" appearance have been subject to racist attacks.
Pakistan Connection
Within a day of London Blasts 2005, the then Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, has observed that the "Shoddy Perversion" of Islam, caused by hatred of the camiseta manchester united fc western way of life and freedom, had driven a small minority of Muslims to turn to terrorism. Less than a week after terrorists struck London, on July 7, four alleged suicide bombers were identified-three of Pakistani origin, born and brought up in Britain and sons of respectable and hardworking immigrant families from Pakistan Settled in Leeds, West Yorkshine. It is important to note that all the three had reportedly visited Pakistan and attended "Madrassas" where, it is suspected, that they were "brainwashed"9. It was an established truth that Pakistan and Afghanistan have been the recruiting ground for holy wars waged in so many parts of the globe since the late 1980s.
The report which published in the Times of India, has also revealed that, the British agency has traced the origins of 7/7 back to a terrorist training camp in northern Pakistan, which was visited by the ringleader of the London suicide bombers as far back as the summer of 2003 10. Though, Pakistan President, Pervez Musharraf, in the wake of 9/11, 13/12, announced his commitment to tackling on the fundamentalists but the ground reality has not changed drastically except few "reformed" Madrassas.
After the Parliament House attack, in India on December 13, 2001, the leaders and Hundreds of followers of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Jaish-e- Mohammad were arrested, their offices in different parts of Pakistan were raided and shut down, and their assets were frozen. The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was ordered to withdraw its support to Pakistani based militant outfits operating in Kashmir. However, within months they had to be set free as authorities did not file any substantial charges against them.
Pakistan's prestigious English monthly Herald ran cover story days before the London carnage on the revival of terrorist camps in the country. It quoted an unidentified top manager of the training camp in Mansehra, saying that all the major organizations, including the Hizbul Mujahideen, Al-Bardr Mujahideen and the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, had begun regrouping in April and renovating training facilities that were deserted in 2004. The magazine said that atleast 13 major camps in the Mansehra region were revived during the first camisetas del futbol week of May. These are located in the areas of Pano, Dheri, Jallo, Sufaida, Oghi, Khewari, Jabba, Batrasi, Naradoga, Akherilla, Hisari, Boil, Tanglaee and Achherian 11.

