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Building muscle is a process, not an event. It takes time, hard work, and most of all, dedication! And during any ongoing process, a person will hope to see a series of progressions that eventually lead to their ultimate goal. For a bodybuilder, this is more muscle mass! In the spirit of wanting to push this progress as fast as possible, many times bodybuilders are ultimately spinning their wheels. They get "sucked in" to fancy new workout programs by what they read in industry magazines and all the sudden 6 months goes by and they wonder why they haven't made any more progress!? This is where you step back and evaluate your situation and, in the spirit of any football coach after a loss… you say, "ok, that's it, it's time to get back to the basics!"
Why do we forget about the basics?
The first reason people forget about basics is because the basics are so easy, they simply get overlooked. What I mean is that people don't see the forest through the trees. We take them for granted or treat them like a temporary phase you go through. We are always looking for some exotic, theory or program to shortcut their way to faster progress. Meanwhile, the easy answer is right in front of their face, but they overlook it because it seems too obvious. Not just in the gym but in every aspect of life. Think about it. Basic concepts are there to be used, not learned then tossed aside.
The second reason people fail to get back to basics is because the basics are so darn hard! It never ceases to amaze me how people always gravitate towards the easier, more camiseta valencia 2012 fun exercises camiseta fernando llorente while avoiding the harder, more result-producing exercises. Let's face it, squats and deadlifts aren't fancy or fun. They are tough - real tough! If you don't learn to love (or at least tolerate) heavy, basic exercises like squats, you'll never join the ranks of the massive. Choose Compound vs isolation movements.
What are the basics?
The basics are simple to understand and hard to do.
1) Do Compound Movements that recruit a lot of muscle fibers.
2) Recover fully before working out again.
3) Get a calorie surplus.
First and foremost, "back to basics" means get back to doing compound, multi-joint exercises instead of isolation movements. Compound movements are those that involve the largest muscle groups as well as smaller, stabilizing camisetas de fútbol baratas muscles. Because they utilize a greater muscle mass, they allow you to lift heavier weights. There is a direct correlation between the amount of weight lifted in an exercise and the size of the muscle. Therefore, it is logical that compound exercises like squats have a greater potential for building mass than isolation movements like leg extensions because squats allow the utilization of much heavier poundages, resulting in more muscle fiber recruitment, and much greater hypertrophy.
The Best Mass Building Exercises? Here is a list of the best compound exercises for each body part:
Quads: Squats, Front Squats, Leg Presses
Hamstrings: Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Lying Leg Curl
Back: Pull-up, Bent Over Row
Chest: Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Weighted Wide Grip Dips
Deltoids: Press behind Neck, Dumbbell Press, Military Press, Shrugs