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Mental preparation for a paintball tournament involves the practice of different techniques, one of which is visualization. ? Picturing yourself making all the right moves during a game and then standing in the winner's circle will help your body actually do the right things at the right time. ? Preventing too much stress and anxiety before a match is also important preparation, although a certain amount of positive stress is actually good, as it helps your body prepare physiologically for its "fight or flight" response.
One way to keep pre-competition stress to a minimum is to not wait until the last minute to check out and pack your paintball equipment. cheap snapback hats wholesale , ? Take care of this several days ahead of the competition in order to ensure that everything is in proper working condition and has been packed. newera hats wholesale , ? Packing your gear the night before a match will simply add to your stress the next day, since you're more likely to forget something when you pack at the last minute.
Another stress-reducing technique is to take care of any registration, waivers and entry fees ahead of time by mailing them in or working through the Internet whenever possible. snapback hats wholesale , Thus, on the day of the event, you can bypass all the paperwork lines and spend that time more productively, for instance by resolving unexpected equipment problems or checking out the playing field.

